Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Funny Feelings

So I got my daily text from D this morning, sweet as usual. Over the next couple of hours we messaged back and forth about books he has and this activity my mom's group has scheduled for today at my house.

We're talking about how this one woman's kids stink, and I get an incoming message from him saying that I STINK. Then another saying, "Ahahahahaha."

Me: :(

A few minutes later I get an urgent couple of texts (from D, again) that his mom had said that I stink, she had stolen his phone. His mom likes to mess with me sometimes, she has a funny sense of humor, but for a while (ten minutes) it just seemed kind of fishy so I didn't message him back.

Then I felt bad! So I told D I knew he wouldn't say I stunk, yadda yadda, his mom is funny, blah blah blah. The main reasoning for me posting about it is it's just not settling right with me, lol. Could I have handled the situation differently? Why would D's mom pretend to be him and say I stunk?

I'm always so confused!

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