Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I'm in Love!!!

I'd thought about it before, even talked about it (to myself, lol), but I think now I know for sure.

When I was younger, I thought I was in love also (many times in fact). In kindergarten, in second grade, in fifth grade, in seventh grade... At the age of five I had my first kiss. I felt like I was the luckiest, happiest girl alive!
In second grade, I had a "boyfriend" for a couple of days, and we would cuddle on a bench under a tree during recess.
In fifth, a boy would pick on me and call me names, but I thought I was in love with him. Turned out to be a crush that lasted for about a week and a half.
In seventh, I met a boy through a group my mom had joined, saw him only a couple of times and thought his possessiveness toward me was love. God was I wrong. He asked me to be his girlfriend and said I could only talk to him when we went places. Goodbye.
I even thought I was in love with that guy on Youtube, Shane Dawson! I even told my grandma (RIP) that I wanted to marry him two years ago!

I don't want to make a mistake again...fill my heart with hopes of love and have it broken days or months later. D though...D just makes me feel so happy, and loved. Special even. We're not going out, and are never truly alone with each other, but it's the little things he does that make me feel so... I don't even know how to describe it. Is that what love is, an indescribable feeling?

Today we were again watching a movie, after the craft for our group was complete and all the other families went home. D's mom and mine were chatting in the kitchen as we sat around the corner in front of the tv. My puppy likes to sit between the two of us, and we both pet her, our hands always brushing each other's. Last time, his fingers sort of looped around mine for a while, but he'd always let go and continue petting.

Today, was much, much better. D would rest his hand against mine and actually held it, squeezing and stroking the top of my hand with his thumb. My heart was beating so fast all afternoon, it hasn't slowed and he left almost an hour ago, lol.

He would lean against me during the movies we watched, he offered to give me books of his to read, and he held my hand for a while! That's when my little sister came in and insisted on him wrapping his arm around her. :P She's six, and I feel like we have to fight over him.

So, hehe, long story short, he's incredibly sweet to me, sends me messages every day and now is holding my hand when we sit together. When he says my name my heart flutters, when he leans in close my breath catches, when his skin touches mine it tingles. I didn't want a heartbreak, I didn't want to fill myself with hope if nothing would ever blossom between D and I, but...

I'm in love with him. <3

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