Saturday, August 13, 2011

There's no end to how Sweet he is to me...

I'm baaack. :D

Now where was I.... Oh yes, dreeeamy D. :)

So D and I started playing together last night, like we've been doing for the last few months. Only this time, we didn't barely talk and I wasn't extremely bored the whole time. In fact, I was giggling, my heart racing, the whole time.

It started when he asked me if I thought he was a good friend. I respond with, "Of course! Why do you ask?" He said he just wanted to make sure, and that I am the best friend he's ever had. -swoon-

Me: Aww, I've actually been thinking the same thing about you. (I have, really.)

After a few minutes of us being silent, I couldn't take it anymore, I had to know. So I asked him what made him decide to hold my hand. Which I'm wondering if I should have held off on. But I mean, he interlaced his fingers with mine, that's gotta mean something right? I had to know!

He's quiet for a couple minutes, but finally says, "I just felt like it," then a big explanation about how he didn't want me to get him wrong, or make himself look bad. "And I like you."

After I giggle and grin like an idiot for ten minutes, I start thinking, crap he probably feels funny about it now. So I explain my reasoning for asking. "I really was just curious because...I liked it. And I like you too. :)"

Then there are lots of smiley faces back and forth, hehe.

D: You're different than other girls our age.

Me: Oh?

D: Yeah, you're smart, funny, and don't wear clothes that are too small for you, lol.

OH but it gets better....
Wait for it...
Wait for iiiiiiiit....

D: And you're beautiful the way you are.

...Hoooolyy crap, I wasn't expecting that! I grinned like an even bigger idiot, and I sort of felt like my heart exploded (which is a little silly, lol.) I've never been told I was beautiful before, I mean except by family. It feels different when it comes from someone outside your family, someone you really like too. Being the silly girl I am, I almost even started crying! Lol. I felt so incredibly loved in that moment, and have still felt loved throughout the entire day. Sure, I wasn't able to sleep last night, but I've felt almost...glowing all day lol.

Anywho, I was sort of stunned so I didn't reply for a few minutes. I ended up telling him he was incredibly sweet, and told him all the things I like about him.

Me: Oh and I've been wanting to tell you, lol, I think your eyes are beautiful.

THEY ARE, OMG THEY ARE. They're brown, sure brown is nice, but oooh no. They're the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. They're like a...smoldering chocolate with flecks of gold and red and...mmm they're amazing. -purrs-

Um. Anyway. Ahem...

D: Aw :) <3

He starts sending me hearts! How freaking adorable is that. Last night, today. Not on his cell phone though. He's being very secretive with his hand-holding and texts. Him mom, though I think is great and is a wonderful friend to my mom, is a little overprotective. D is her only child, and he's growing up, so I can understand a bit. If she saw hearts and cutsie messages appearing in his phone, and sees the two of us snuggling up to each other while we hold hands on the couch, he might be banished from my house lol. And I do not want all...never ever ever...

So long story short, (lol I know I say that a lot) I'm most certain I'm in love with him, and now it's even better because I think he might be in love with me. <3

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